There is no one-size-fits-all.

The spirit behind my Integrated Health Coaching Program is love.

As above as below, so Bio-individuality, trademarked by the Institute of Integrative Nutrition, is an exciting and comprehensive approach to wellness which recognizes that each person has unique nutritional, physical and spiritual needs. While human beings all share the science of biology, our anatomy, metabolism, body composition and even cell structure need different things at different times.

This personalized method focuses on what U need, one-on-one, and clearly establishes what is personally important to you on your journey of wellness and alignment. My custom coaching program for total well-being targets a broad array of result-oriented techniques that center on subjects such as movement, meal-planning, energy balancing, clarifying your passions and core values, creating good habits around healthy living, preparing for lifestyle enhancements and major health milestones, and so much more. No two programs are alike.

We’ll even revolutionize your kitchen, transforming and reorganizing it. We’ll find delicious recipes that you are excited about preparing and eating, right down to visiting the local farmer’s market together to ensure you are set up for success with all the right foods easily accessible.

One of the biggest hurdles in creating good habits around healthy living is staying accountable, so people give up. With thoughtful coaching, this is exactly what we address so that everything is within arm’s reach and eliminates the barriers and excuses.

I can’t wait for you to experience all the benefits of my Integrated Health Coaching Program – together, we will transform your relationship with your body, food and health into one that you love and feel great about!

Ready to take the next steps in your total wellness plan?

Let’s work out your individualized program for success. I offer single hour-long sessions as well as discounted packages tailored to your specific health priorities.

Your initial consultation call is on the house! We’ll have a chat to delve into your needs and lay out a plan for coaching so you know what to expect and can anticipate what it will take to achieve abundant health.

Choose the best meeting place that works for you: my cozy office with a cup of tea, a local coffee shop, or virtually via Zoom/Facetime.

PRICING 1-Hour Session: $99

3 Session Monthly Package: $279

I accept a variety of payment methods, including PayPal.

Don’t hesitate to ask!